Instagram has quickly become one of the most followed networks in the world. While many businesses focus only on Facebook, others benefit from the attention of 600 million Instagram subscribers. We already have an Instagram account - @Bizonaire, and the number of those who follow us is constantly growing.

How to make your Instagram more popular?

1. Stick to the niche you are passionate about

If talking about the business side of Instagram, find a person who is passionate about the field in which you opened your company and let him handle your Instagram. Give him marketing training, if necessary. He will be more than happy to do what he likes, to post and to be rewarded for it.

The passion that is expressed in the posted content will be transmitted to the public.

2. Distribute content

If you want a lot of followers on your Instagram page, post quality content. Do not ever use pictures of poor quality. If you already did, you may want to delete them from your profile. Make sure every time you post new content, your photos and videos have a good resolution.

3. Continuity

You have to be consistent in what you do. It is recommended that you deliver content at least once or twice a day. You don't have to be too insistent. You can afford to do this more when the number of people following you reaches hundreds of thousands.

4. The texts must be interesting and captivating

When you write texts for your posts, you create a story - followers like them, read them, and wai for more.

Don't forget the motivational, emotional side and the meaning of the post. Each of these three key elements must be found not only on Instagram, but also on any other social network where you are present.

5. Use correct emoticons

Like it or not, each of the emoticons posted delivers a message.

6. Don't post too often

7. Use hashtags

Don't add irrelevant hashtags, just because they are popular or you like how they sound. Try to use two-word hashtags like #HondaCivic, #RedLipstick. It is recommended to use 3-5 hashtags in the description of the post.

8. Create a relationship with subscribers.

For Instagram, it’s positive emotions. It is one of the online communities where people come to get inspired and look for positive emotions. Give it to them.

9. Influencers

Pay popular people from your niche to recommend you to their followers.